Lambeth SEND and Inclusion Strategy

Sixty (60) children and young people aged 14 to 25 took part in individual and group interviews and online survey.
The respondents commented on two priorities of the Strategy – preparation for adulthood and/or independence and children and young people participation.
Some key findings include the value children and young people put on education, access to information and support, and provision of support to families. Whilst some good practices had been mentioned, it also became apparent that there are gaps in services to prepare young people for adulthood and/or independence including access to information and advice, lack of support to parents and families of SEND children, and limited opportunities for volunteering or work placements.
On children and young people’s participation, all respondents agreed that their involvement is very important. They said that participation approaches should be appropriate to the different needs and interests of young people, creative, and inclusive. However, it has been found that only a few respondents have had the opportunity to express their views in the past.
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