Feedback Report: November and December 2024

Read our new bimonthly Feedback Report for November and December 2024. This new reporting initiative anonymously reports the feedback we receive from Lambeth residents, along with a brief summary of key issues.

In November and December, we heard most about GP and hospital services, followed by Adult Social Care. Our case studies include Nora trying to make a complaint about her GP, Renee struggling to get an urgent GP appointment, Grace not feeling prioritised in her fibroid care, and Sanaa working to get vaccinations for her housebound mother.*

You can share your experience or feedback with us by:


Telephone: 020 7274 8522

Folake Segun, Chief Executive of Healthwatch Lambeth, commented on the report:

"At Healthwatch Lambeth, we are committed to ensuring that the voices of our community are heard and acted upon. This Feedback Report for NovemberDecember 2024 highlights the invaluable experiences shared by the people of Lambeth regarding their interactions with health and social care services. Through these candid accounts, we can identify areas for improvement and celebrate instances of best practice. We will continue to work collaboratively with service providers and decision makers to address the issues raised and to keep championing high standards of care for all. I want to thank everyone who contributed their feedback."

*All names have been changed to maintain confidentiality.

Read the full report

Feedback Report November-December 2024

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