£500m Hospital Discharge Fund - Lambeth Expenditure
The government has released data setting out local spending plans for the £500m Hospital Discharge Fund, from the period December 2022 to March 2023.
During this period, Lambeth was allocated £1,257,430 which it planned to spend in total. Examples of that expenditure include:
£226,000 on retention of social care staff, including the cost of agency staff.
£200,000 on mental health discharges, including support workers and reablement to discharge a person in their home, or other step-down support.
£842,926 on Continuing Healthcare Packages (CHC), including care for 29 individuals requiring a CHC discharge to assess package
£80,000 on five long-term placements into a care home.
You can find details of spending in Lambeth (and other areas in England) here.