Share your views for the NHS Long Term Plan
The NHS Long Term Plan
The NHS Long Term Plan is the NHS response to changing health care needs, population growth and constrained health and social care budgets. The aim is to enable decisions that need a regional approach and to promote more integrated, out-of-hospital and preventive care. The argument is that this will set up health and social care services for the long term future.
The plan shows how the NHS will spend additional funding in the next ten years.
The plan is based on the views of NHS staff and the public on what the NHS needs. It covers the following key areas:
- Helping more people to stay well and tackling health inequalities.
- Improving how the NHS works so that people can get help more easily and closer to home.
- More money invested in technology.
- Making care better. The NHS wants to get better at looking after people with cancer, lung and heart diseases, mental illness, dementia, learning disabilities, and autism.
What is Our Healthier South East London?
Our Healthier South East London is the regional coordinator of the national NHS Long Term Plan. If implemented, the present six Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) of Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham, Bexley, Greenwich and Bromley will be dissolved and a new six borough South East London CCG will be formed from April 2020. An ‘integrated care system’ across health and social care services will also be developed.
What is the survey on?
The Government is investing lots of money each year in the NHS as part of the Long Term Plan. Local services have been asked to work together to develop their own plans, which will set out how the national plan will work across local areas. This Healthwatch survey will feed into plans for south east London.
We want your ideas on how people can live healthier lives and what improvements could be made to help people access services quickly.
There is also a separate survey on support for a range of conditions: cancer, mental health conditions, heart and lung diseases, long-term conditions such as diabetes and arthritis, learning disabilities, autism, and dementia.
Then what?
The survey runs until the end of April.
Healthwatch Lambeth will produce a report in June on what people have told us, and we will feed this information into the local planning process.