March 2021

COVID-19 vaccination briefing for voluntary and community sector groups and organisations

Community events
Wednesday 3rd March, 2021 - 14:00 to 15:00

About this event

This session will be hosted by Jessica Arnold, Director of Flu and Covid Vaccinations for South East London’s NHS. 

This briefing will continue discussions around the current COVID-19 vaccine programme across south east London and is specifically for the voluntary sector across south east London so do please send this invitation on to other VCSE representatives within your network.

The NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group are also keen to understand any issues about the vaccine that you are aware of amongst your community, whether these have changed over the last few weeks and your views on the best ways to communicate correct information about the vaccine to your communities.  There is space on the booking link to outline these ahead of the meeting. 


Contact details

In the meantime, you may find the vaccine information on the CCG’s website useful which includes answers to a number of frequently asked questions. If you use social media, you may be interested on following us as below and re-posting any useful information:
Twitter: @nhslambethccg and @NHSSELondonCCG
Facebook: /nhssoutheastlondonccg
LinkedIn: /nhssoutheastlondonccg
The NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group have been making films with clinical and faith leaders as well as with local people about the importance of the vaccine. These are available on their YouTube play list as well as being published in a more staggered way on their social media sites above. You can download and share these through your social media including WhatsApp.  If you would like a copy of an individual film please contact the CCG and they can email it to you if you prefer to share that way.  
If you have any queries please do contact the CCG’s engagement team at selccg.engagement@nhs.net

They also have further sessions planned for faith leaders and for people in ‘COVID volunteer’ or ‘community champion’ volunteer roles across south east London boroughs. Please contact the CCG if you think one of these sessions would be more suitable for you.

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