Happy National Volunteer's Week!
Things have really changed since I started with Healthwatch Lambeth late last year! The coronavirus pandemic has meant a huge shift in how we work, including for all of our wonderful volunteers
From the day I started I was really impressed with the dedication of Healthwatch volunteers. We’re so lucky to have a wonderful group of individuals who are willing to help us with events, interviews, writing articles, and just helping around the office. Healthwatch Lambeth exist to hear the experiences of Lambeth residents, and volunteers are central to this. I’d like to thank all the volunteers who have helped with our projects over the past year.
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic we’ve needed to adjust many of our services and activities to reflect the ongoing situation. We also know that many individuals have needed to shift their focus to their own families and health needs. However, we’re very grateful to many volunteers who were able to continue to support us remotely, calling vulnerable individuals to make sure they had the information they needed.
We know that many other individuals have been motivated by the pandemic to volunteer in their local community. We’re very happy to welcome new volunteers through Team Lambeth, set up by Lambeth Council to match local residents to voluntary organisations.
As this is National Volunteers’ week, I wanted to say a huge thank you to all of our volunteers! It’s such a pleasure to receive support from you, we couldn’t do it without you!